The website was ten years old and hadn’t been updated since 2007. It lacked many of the modern conveniences like being responsive and a clean and minimal design aesthetic.
Encourage full-text usage of the platform , promote: citations; research and discovery, optimize speed and performance and reduce piracy
The website was over a decade old, while it had been updated and maintained the website had reached the end of its useful life cycle. It was not responsive so mobile users were directed to a mirrored site. Since the design had stayed the same things we added to accommodate needs so things had to be shoehorned into a fit.
The goals of this project are to: Migrate ACS Pub's platform to a new UX3 Redesigned Platform providing features such as a responsive, accessible site with a fresh and a standardized new look.
The product was able to meet its goal but not exactly on the initial timeline. The product launched 3 months late because of server migration issues. Which gave us more time to accommodate issues we found during testing.