NMR information currently published in ACS journals provides only a snap shot of the printed spectrum and a textual accounting of the relevant peaks. The NMR task force recommended that ACS provide users with the capability to interact with original NMR data sets, which would provide users with the ability to analyze the data (zoom, integrate, change sweep width) for direct comparison and readily evaluate compound purity. This would better ensure the integrity of published journal articles and also improve archiving for the long-term benefit of the scientific community.
ACS Pubs
April 20,2020
Internal URL
Wireframe, Product Discovery. UX
The business problem
Why it was a problem, to begin with
In order for scientists to be able to validate research they must be able to replicate the experiment to verify the procedure. By having the associated data from these experiments validation accuracy increases greatly.
Months to complete
Reflections on the experience
Did your product meet its goals?
The products did not meet it’s goal, we didn’t receive enough submissions to reach critical mass required to launch the landing site. So the committee recommended that this project be closed and any future enhancements may get rolled into other initiatives.
We were able to launch both websites and they both functioned as they were supposed to but they didn’t reach the critical mass needed to continue the project. The project needed a large Marketing effort to accompany the design/development effort so users would know they were able to submit their NMR data. It was evident when looking over the Analytics that people only stumbled upon it.